Home Staging on a budget

Home staging tips

The modern era calls for modern techniques for buying, selling and renting homes. In today’s real estate market, buying, selling or renting a property has become a lot easier with Graana.com, bringing all kinds of online listings to make your search for an ideal home easier.

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When you’re putting your house on the market, preparation and presentation are the key factors to sell or rent your property faster. If you are a seller selling your home, you want it to look its absolute best, as this will help the potential buyers who walk through the door to easily envision themselves living in your home.

This is where home staging comes in to help a home seller or get rented quicker. But what exactly is home staging?

The process of home staging does not have to be costly or time-consuming. Just make sure that your houses ticks all the boxes of areas improved and voila, you may find the perfect buyer in no time. To sell a home, you must attract as many potential buyers to your listing as possible. It is your job to boost your home’s virtual appeal by making it stand out in today’s competitive real estate market.

Home staging is a process of decorating a house that helps highlight your home’s most impressive features. It today’s market, through the online listing, home staging is a useful method that helps buyers imagine themselves finding a perfect house. Doing it right would help sell a house quickly.

With so much to gain from this simple technique, putting in the time and effort to stage your home can be really beneficial. Decorating is a word surely to scare off many, but the good news is that the best staging tips don’t require spending a lot of money. With some simple tricks and techniques, we are here to help you manage home staging on a budget.


First impression is the last impression:

The first thing a buyer notices is an entrance to the house. When they walk into a house, the entrance must make a strong positive impression. For this, it must be cleaned properly in order to glisten. This is essential for both cases, pictures for online listings, and for during viewings of the property. One must always consider washing and scrubbing to get off any dirt. Want to add a touch of hominess? Achieve the perfect solution with a couple of potted plants and flowers. Don’t forget a doormat, to keep the space clean during visits and give a simplistic yet welcoming look. This is likely to set buyers off on the right foot, as it suggests that good things are waiting inside.


Light-en up:

Brighten the ‘pathway’ for viewers by letting as much light in the house as possible.

To achieve this trick, firstly make sure to replace all the light fixtures. Dark, sad, gloomy rooms are a big no… so throw the blinds open for all of the windows. This is an additional step that helps rooms seem bigger. Again, fixing the lights and turning on all the lights in your house for showings, including lamps and closet lights will help the buyer get a certain degree of satisfaction that the needed improvements are already made. With your house being more welcoming, it will also save the buyers/visitors from having to stumble around and figure out which switches turn on which lights.


Repair and patch up:

It is always a good practice to tackle and tend to tiny nicks, scratches, cracks, and other much-needed maintenance issues like paint touch-ups to give buyers a much-needed satisfaction. The purpose of this act is to show that enough effort has been put into maintaining the property as it is about making the place look nice. If the place looks neat, it automatically induces a homely feeling. For a handy guide to handle your maintenance issues, click here


Deep clean:

One of the most important parts of the house that needs special care is the washroom. Remember, as important as it is to clean up your outdoors and indoors, a clean washroom space can make all the difference. No potential buyer wants to walk into a house with a dirty bathroom and scuffed-up walls. So, along with cleaning everything else up like, take some time to clean every washroom in the house. Along with this pay heed to window sills. While cleaning, beware of overdoing the fragrances. Instead of overpowering scents, opt for light scents.



This tip is a bit more cost-intensive than the others but it can make a major difference. Colouring your walls… people express their personalities and taste through painting different colour schemes in their homes. Went it comes to buying or renting the property while staging your house, choosing neutral or taupe tones is a safer option. For some, bright or bold coloured walls can distract from a room’s features, which in turn can be a major turn-off for buyers or renters. So by opting for neutral tones, you give the buyers or renters the option to choose what and how they want to express themselves.

With the world and its ways continuously evolving, ways of renting have also evolved. People today have started renting out partially or fully furnished spaces. If you are planning to or have already given out your space, here are a few tricks to attract potential renters.


De-clutter spaces and rearrange furniture:

Space is what must sell, so make sure to de-clutter spaces. Opt for minimal yet statement pieces that make your house look bigger and desirable by editing down to just the basics. The focus should be to keep spaces as open and walkable as possible. Doing so, helps the buyers navigate the space by envisioning their own furniture in each room. Getting rid of any oversized, damaged or unmatched pieces should be focused on, as this helps to create a positive image. With the furniture that is apt and makes a statement, rearranges it to make the room look both, as stylish and as spacious as possible.


Freshen up:

Adding a few healthy planters and flowers can add life and freshness into any available space. Placing them strategically is a key to avoid cluttering any one particular space. Playing around with this idea like placing a vase full of big, bright flowers in the middle of the centre table, a large-leaved plant or some succulents in the living room, or a herb garden in the kitchen window can help bring a room about, adding not juts colour but breathing life into the house. If you are reluctant to commit time to maintain fresh plants? Fake plants will set the same atmosphere and are a lot less work.

Staging a home to sell or rent does not require spending a lot of money. It is all a matter of just making smart decisions. Once you know you’ve done everything you can to show your home in the best light possible, sit back, relax and let Graana.com do the rest. Sign up, upload your property and wait for the right buyer to stop by.

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