LAHORE: To expand and reconstruct the existing line (ML-1) project under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the Ministry of Railways has submitted a feasibility report to the Planning Commission for PC-1, with as the estimated cost of $9.249 billion.
After approval, phase 1 worth $2.368 billion will be completed in four years, whereas phase 2 costing $3.267 billion in five years and phase 3 costing $3.676 billion, will take seven years to complete and would increase the number of passenger trains to 30 by 2024, and 40 by 2030. The funding of the project will be done by China for 30 years.
Stretching 1,872 kilometres, a track will be paved for the Karachi-Peshawar track under CPEC ML-1. The summary regarding the speed up-gradation of trains will also be submitted to the Planning Commission.
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