Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has set a target to issue 40,000 housing loans by May 2025 as part of the “Apni Chhat, Apna Ghar” initiative.
In a recent meeting, she approved a budget of Rs. 62 billion for the program and directed officials to speed up loan distribution. She also requested a review of a proposal to increase the maximum loan limit from Rs. 1.5 million to Rs. 2 million to offer better financial support to applicants.
Officials reported that 5,000 individuals across Punjab have already benefited from the scheme, with over 4,200 homes nearing completion. The program also includes collaboration with the Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA) and the Housing and Urban Development Department to provide low-income families with ready-made homes.
Reaffirming the program’s mission, Maryam Nawaz Sharif stated, “Housing is a fundamental right, and every citizen deserves a home of their own.”