COVID-19 Tips: How to stay safe while living in a Shared Accommodation

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During such times, who do think are the most at risk apart from all the essential workers?

Those people stay away from their homes, sharing accommodations, hostel rooms and apartments.

With learn how to stay safe while living in shared accommodation.


While staying at a Hostel

One may think there is not much to be done while maintaining personal hygiene to stay safe from COVID-19 while living in a shared space like a hostel.

But that’s not the case.

If you do everything right, including taking shared responsibility to ensure that the SOPs are followed, the probability of staying safe and flattening the curve is higher.

Apart from following the common SOPs like washing/sanitizing your hands frequently, wearing a mask, following social distancing even indoors and covering your mouth with your elbow, while coughing/sneezing, there is more to be done.

  • Avoid crowded places indoors like sitting areas, common room, dining hall, etc.
  • Avoid going to crowded places.
  • Clean, disinfect and sanitize frequently touched/shared objects e.g. telephones, remotes, switches, doorknobs
  • Keep a sanitiser in case of going to common spaces for meals
  • Clean/disinfect packages received
  • Stay vigilant and report to the facility manager/warden if somebody has flu-like symptoms
  • As a combined facility, request for an available on-call doctor and all the necessary equipment
  • Spread awareness amongst the Help of the facility, provide them with masks and gloves



While sharing a room in an accommodation

It is extremely necessary for all the roommates sharing a room to maintain a hygienic lifestyle, in order to stay safe from the pandemic.

A few tips on how to keep your environment clean are as follows

  • Avoid sharing personal belongings including bedding, toiletries, clothes, and shoes
  • Clean, disinfect and sanitise personal items like phones, laptops, etc. frequently
  • While going out, wear a mask and gloves
  • Upon return, make sure to change into clean clothes and shoes
  • Disinfect the cloths using Dettol or any other item
  • Change bedding regularly
  • Clean, disinfect and sanitise the room, as well as shared items like switches, doorknobs, chairs, etc.
  • Act responsibly and cooperate with each other.


While sharing an apartment

While living in a shared apartment, it is somewhat easier to maintain hygiene, as you may have to manage and perform tasks yourself, with the help of your flatmates.

To ensure staying safe

  • Clean, disinfect and sanitise the sitting area, balcony railings, kitchen cabinet handles, TV remote, switchboard, etc. on a regular basis
  • Stock up essentials items to avoid going out, or get them delivered
  • Remember to thoroughly clean, disinfect and sanitise all items bought or deliver to your apartment
  • Wash hands and sanitise frequently
  • Clean, disinfect and properly sanitise shared items frequently


If you, your roommate, or apartment is an essential worker and fighting the pandemic on the frontline then along with maintaining hygiene, you should monitor your body temperature and avoid coming in close contact with others. In case you fall sick, you must inform your supervisor, roommate, and facility warden and consult a doctor immediately.

Remember, it is essential to follow the issued SOPs to not only protect yourself but also your community and those around you.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy!


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